Expected Behaviour and Conduct

This policy outlines the expected behaviour of all adults while at any of Bumbles Day Care’s premises and should be read in conjunction with the following policies: Principle and statement of intent All members of our Bumbles community and visitors should demonstrate respectful and responsible conduct at all times. Any behaviour that may lead to […]

Biting Behaviour

Biting is quite a common behaviour in young children. In Bumbles we understand that it is a stressful situation for parents. It can be a very sensitive topic, especially when their child has been bitten or has bitten on more than one occasion. After all, no one wants their child to be a “biter” or […]


PRESCRIBED MEDICATION We can administer medications throughout the day if we have received confirmation inwriting from the child’s parent / carer of the dosage, name of medication, and what themedicine is for. Please note that we CANNOT administer prescribed medications to childrenunless we have seen the label. The label must have the child’s name, expiry […]

Statement of Purpose

Our Vision is to provide excellence in Childcare. Our team at Bumbles aim to provide all children with quality care in a homely, safe and stimulating environment making Bumbles Day Care a place for living, learning and growing up in. Our Values Child Focused – We are child focused and by treating children as individuals they […]

Safeguarding & Child Protection

Principle and statement of intent In Bumbles Day Care the welfare of the children in our care is paramount. We are committed to creating an environment in which children are safe from abuse, and in which any suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to. At Bumbles Day Care we have formulated our policy […]


Principle & statement of intent Bumbles 1 is securely monitored by a CCTV surveillance system. We currently do not have CCTV at our Bumbles on the Hill, Rosetta Setting, Bumbles by the Park or B in the Park but may install this in the future. Bumbles own the CCTV equipment and it can only be […]

Video and photography

Principle and statement of intent This policy has been formed following the guidelines and principles in the: At Bumbles Day Care there are occasions when we may like to take photographs or video of children, either individually or in a group for the purpose of recording participation in activities or celebrating their achievements. However, we […]


Principle and statement of intent At Bumbles Day Care a transport service is offered which enables children to be left to and collected from school. In addition, we offer a holiday programme and organise outings in the local area and also to places of interest which involves using our own, and other forms of transport. […]

Sleep and rest

Principle and statement of intent This policy has been formed following the guidelines and principles in the: At Bumbles Day Care we recognise that sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and helps each child achieve their full potential as it directly impacts on their mental and physical development. We aim to ensure […]

Settling in

Principle and statement of intent This policy has been formed following the guidelines and principles in the: At Bumbles Day Care we are committed to making a child’s settling in time a positive experience for both the child and the parent/carer. We recognise that all children are individuals and as such can have very different […]


Principle and statement of intent Bumbles Day Care has a commitment to the children, families, staff and volunteers who are in our care/involved in our setting to ensure that safety is of utmost priority. Policy The setting has implemented this policy to ensure management and staff have the appropriate authority to exercise powers and carry […]

Record management

Principle and statement of intent In accordance with guidelines supplied by the DHSPSSNI, Bumbles Day Care adopts the following schedule in the keeping and disposal of all records. Please find below a general guideline to many of the different records that Bumbles Day Care is required to keep. The left column outlines circumstance and the right column refers to […]

Partnership with parents and carers

Principle and statement of intent The principle behind our Partnership with Parents and Carers Policy is taken from the Policy for Early Years Provision in NI (1994) which states that: “Parents are the first educators of their children and should be involved at all stages in their education and development”. At Bumbles Day Care, we […]

Outings and community

Principle and statement of intent At Bumbles Day Care, to encourage learning, with parental permission, we try as often as we can to take the children out of the day care environment. Trips to the park, library and shops give them extra knowledge and help to develop their five senses as well as a sense […]