
This policy has been formed following the guidelines and principles in the:

  • Getting it Right – standards of practice for the protection of children and young people, published by Volunteer Now third edition Aug 2009, updated Feb 2011 (funded by DHSSPS)
  • Department of Health & Social Services NI – Childminding & Day Care for children under age 12 Minimum Standards published July 2012.

At Bumbles Day Care the health, safety and welfare of all our children and staff are of fundamental importance. Our aim is to be fully prepared for all eventualities and to have clear guidelines for staff to follow.

An emergency can be a serious accident, a fire, a power cut, gas leak, staff shortage or severe weather. Whatever the emergency, we need to respond in a calm, controlled manner always ensuring the safety of children and staff.


All rooms will have a ‘Register’ on Famly containing parental contact numbers for all children in their care. Parents / Carers need to ensure these are up to date with any changes in telephone numbers. In the event of a power cut the tablets / i-pads and phones can revert to 4G network ensuring access to the register.

Serious accident/injury

The injured person should be dealt with immediately by a qualified First Aider applying basic emergency treatment. No creams, ointments, tablets, antiseptics or drugs should be used and no fluids should be given either. Comfort and reassure the injured child/adult as much as possible.
If the injury is severe or a child has a head or eye injury, or is unconscious, they must be taken to hospital and parents contacted immediately.

Generally, an ambulance should be called if hospital treatment is required. However, if on advice of emergency services a child is to be transported in a Bumbles car, parental consent under these circumstances is obtained upon registration.
A member of staff (preferably one who witnessed the accident) should accompany the injured person to the hospital. A mobile device with access to famly should also be taken with them to provide hospital staff with basic information. The management team should make sure that staff/child ratios remain unaffected, by either calling in relief staff, working with the children herself or redeploying staff for a temporary period of time.

All accidents to be recorded as soon as possible after the event and the Manager to advise Bumbles social worker of any serious accident.
Keep an up to date record of any accidents or incidents which happen on the premises and ensure that as per RIDDOR any incidents, diseases or dangerous occurrences or certain injuries are reported to HSE NI using form N12508.


For more information read the Fire and evacuation policy

Power Cut

should a power cut occur that leaves the building in darkness, the following procedures apply:

  • Staff should gather the children into groups in their rooms, by the windows or the emergency lighting.
  • Staff should comfort and reassure children under their care.
  • Staff should also tidy floor areas so as to reduce the possibility of children falling over toys.
  • The Person In Charge should ring N.I.E. from a mobile phone to inform them of the situation. Any information or advice given should be relayed to staff.
  • If the power cut is particular to:
    • Bumbles Day Care – Person In Charge to contact electrician – contact numbers on office notice board
    • Bumbles Rosetta – Person In Charge to contact school caretaker – contact details on office notice board.
    • Bumbles by the Park – Person In Charge to contact church caretaker – contact details on office notice board.
    • Bumble in the Park – Person In Charge to contact the Park Manager.
    • Bumbles on the Hill – Person In Charge to contact electrician – contact numbers on office notice board
  • During a power cut the door bells will not work. One member of staff will need to man the doors to observe any parents arriving.
    During a power cut the Menvier Fire Detection System will bleep. This can be stopped by switching to “Alarms Silenced”. Once power has been restored the detection system must be set to “System Energised”.

Suspected Gas Leaks

If a gas leak was suspected, the number to call is 0800 002 001. This is a 24 hour service.

Advice would be sought from the experts as to what action it would be necessary to take. This could involve people from the gas company monitoring Bumbles for gas in the rooms. They might advise keeping the windows slightly open to allow good circulation of air thus preventing build up of gas in any particular room.

It is to be noted that as a result of fixing the gas leak it might be necessary for the electricity to go off. See Power cut procedures above.

If we have to vacate the premises, refer to Fire/Evacuation Policy

Staff Shortage

The Person In Charge must ensure staff/child ratios are maintained. In the event of a shortage of staff then the Person In Charge will either:

  • Call in relief staff
  • Request a temporary increase in hours from part-time staff.
  • Temporarily re-deploy staff to where needed.
  • The owner can be called on

Severe Weather

  • Heavy snow or flooding can either prevent children/staff getting to Bumbles or cause delays in children being collected.
  • Phones need to be manned
  • Procedures for staff shortage to be followed
  • In the event of a delay in collection of a child, a member of staff will remain, see our Arrival & Departure Policy, Late Collections

On commencement of employment all staff undergo an induction training that includes an awareness of all our policies. They are briefed and receive training on evacuation procedures and drills are carried out monthly.