Intimate care

Principle and statement of intent

This policy has been formed following the guidelines and principles in the:

  • U.N Convention on Rights of the Child – This emphasises the child’s right to protection from harm and the provision of adequate services and participation in all matters that concerns him/her.
  • The Children (NI) Order 1995 – This specifies that the welfare of the child is paramount. The role and the responsibility of parents to care for their children is emphasised.
  • Our Duty to Care (ODTC) – Principles of Good Practice for the protection of children and young people published by Volunteer Now, fifth edition 2009, updated April 2011 (supported by DHSSPS)
  • Protecting Children – Principles and Practice – Guidelines for Early Years Workers, published by NIPPA/EYO in May 1995.
  • At Bumbles Day Care we aim to ensure that the health and well being of the child is promoted and safeguarded. Out intimate care policy promotes a toileting and personal care programme and works in partnership with parents/carers to help the child develop a healthy interest and understanding of how to look after his/her own personal needs.


Management and staff will endeavour to ensure that:

  • There is adequate support for children/young people with intimate care needs
  • Individual intimate care plans will be drawn up for particular children as appropriate to suit the circumstances of the child.
  • Staff who provide intimate care are trained to meet the needs of individual children.
  • Only vetted staff are allowed to be involved in the intimate care of the children.
  • All staff adhere to Bumbles Child and Adult Protection Policy.
  • Suitable supplies, equipment and facilities are made available.
  • Staff carrying out intimate care, are appropriately supported.
  • Where possible one to one care will be provided unless there is an identified need for having more adults.
  • Intimate care is discussed and agreed with parents and carers.
  • The needs and wishes of the child/young person are taken into consideration.
  • The constraints of staffing and equal opportunities legislation are taken into account.
  • Changing areas are warm with safe areas to lay children
  • In line with our Covid 19 protocols –  all references to handwashing is now understood to mean hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds.

Bumbles Nursery

Nappy changing arrangements

  • Parents will be responsible for supplying nappies, baby wipes and nappy cream of their choice.
  • Nappies are changed in a child’s own play room, on a designated changing area / mat.  If appropriate, due to various individual factors identified, nappy changing may occur on a changing mat placed on the floor with a screen to allow privacy to be maintained.
  • Staff always seek consent from the child before they change a nappy (age appropriate), but the language and approach used should always seek consent and be respectful eg “Can we change your nappy now?” (Staff read this policy alongside a more detailed and specific nappy changing induction)
  • A child will never be left unattended on a changing mat.
  • Staff will ensure to follow the method preferred by the parents i.e. wipes and cream; cotton wool and water etc.
  • Staff will ensure to wash their hands before and after nappy changing and will also wear disposable gloves and a disposable apron during the process
  • Staff will dispose of soiled/wet nappies, wipes and gloves in nappy disposable bins
  • The changing unit will be cleaned on each occasion with anti-bacterial wipes and the disposable gloves discarded and replaced
  • Nappy changing times are approximately: 11.00am, 2.00pm and 4.00pm. However, soiled nappies are cleaned immediately and the time and nature of any bowel motion are recorded in the child’s profile on our digital app. Any signs of abnormality in a child’s bowel motion are reported to a senior member of staff who will then inspect/decide if any further action is necessary.
  • Reusable nappies are welcomed.

Toilet training

  • Toilet training is usually initiated by parents when the child is 2 – 21/2 years old and Bumbles staff should then proceed co-operatively with them, so that Bumbles and home routines are complimentary and do not confuse the toddler.
  • Staff  take into account individual children’s preferences regarding toilet training: whether they use the toilet or potty; whether they bring their own potty from home or use a nursery potty, whether they want to go privately / have someone to talk to etc.
  • Staff should ensure, however, that there is no pressure placed on a child to start using the potty before a child is ready. If a child’s interest in using the toilet or potty wanes, staff do not force the issue but should discuss the situation with the parents.
  • Any ‘accidents’ are not turned into issues, but are cleaned up quickly and calmly by staff, with the child just being reminded that they need to tell someone right away if they need to use the toilet.
  • Staff  encourage children to be as independent as possible when using the toilet or potty and praise them for their efforts.
  • Staff  ensure that children clean themselves from front to back and that they wash and dry their hands properly after using the toilet. Girls in particular, can be very prone to infection when they stop wearing nappies.
  • Potties are washed and disinfected after each use.
  • It is important to ensure that the child’s right to privacy is respected at all times.

Using the bathroom

  • Children are taken to the toilet after snacks, lunch time and nap time as a group and whenever else as necessary on an individual basis.
  • When going to the toilet, children under 3 must be supervised, and staff should ensure that children are able to:
    • Use adequate (but not too much!) toilet paper;
    • Wash and dry their hands thoroughly after using the toilet;
    • Flush the toilet;
    • Put hand towels in the bin rather than on the floor.
  • Any bowel motions are recorded on the child’s profile. At this age, some children may require an adult to make sure that their bottoms are cleaned properly.
  • Any abnormality in a bowel motion must be reported to the Manager or Deputy Manager.
  • It is important to ensure that the child’s right to privacy is respected at all times.
  • When assisting a child in personal hygiene staff members should remain on their feet at all times. Kneeling or sitting is not appropriate.

Bumbles Wrap Around Settings

Using the bathroom

  • We promote independence when using the bathroom for all children who attend our wrap around settings but children are encouraged to ask a member of staff if they need to use the toilet. This arrangement enables toileting to be more closely monitored by staff who are then on hand to supervise hand washing afterwards if required.
  • For any child who needs assistance, the staff member must ensure that Child and Adult Protection is considered at all times.
  • If a member of staff needs to assist a child in the bathroom, they must make other staff members aware of the situation.
  • Another member of staff should then straddle the door, ensuring that they have sight of the staff member in the bathroom whilst still being able to monitor the children in the room. If necessary request assistance from one of the other rooms (setting appropriate)
  • Staff should ensure that there are both adequate cleaning supplies and equipment as well as spare clothes in close vicinity of the bathroom.
  • Staff ensure that cleaning supplies e.g. wipes as well as spare clothes are checked daily and replenished as required.   They should be readily available when needed ie in close proximity to the bathroom.
  • It is important to ensure that the child’s right to privacy is respected at all times
  • Where a child required specific assistance around intimate care, an ICP will be drawn up in consultation with the parent and key staff members will receive training, as appropriate