
Principle and statement of intent

Bumbles Day Care has a commitment to the children, families, staff and volunteers who are in our care/involved in our setting to ensure that safety is of utmost priority.


The setting has implemented this policy to ensure management and staff have the appropriate authority to exercise powers and carry out certain actions for which they are responsible. The management team can delegate particular powers to members of the staff team. This enables the efficient running of the setting.

The primary responsibilities and accountabilities in relation to ensuring the security of the setting are shared among:

  • Director
  • Management.
  • Staff with delegated authority.


There are various elements within this procedure and these have been laid out to ensure that appropriate measures are in place, these include:

Answering the door

Bumbles Day Care will not allow access to the building to anyone who is unknown to the staff in the setting. The setting will use a doorbell system to have control over this.

If the setting has pre-arranged visitors, all staff will be made aware of their attendance at the setting. The visitors will be asked to sign in and out using the log book provided at the entrance.

Children’s personal files will specifically detail parent/carer and emergency contact details.

If there is a special circumstance where someone is not on the register, but is collecting a child, written parental consent must be provided.

At all times it must be adhered to that all external doors, exits and gates are locked and can only be opened from the inside by an adult during session times. Parents should not open the door to admit other parents unless they are known to them.

Garden security

Staff will follow the risk assessment procedure and ensure that all maintenance issues are followed up as they occur to ensure security at all times, e.g. if the latch on the front gate is broken and this gate leads to the main road from the outdoor play area.

At all times it must be adhered to that all external doors, exits and gates are locked and can only be opened from the inside by an adult during session times.

Building security

The management team of Bumbles Day Care and designated keyholders assume responsibility for building security.

Staff are responsible for ensuring that at the beginning and end of each day, staff should check that all doors and windows are closed and locked as appropriate and record this on the appropriate form.

All staff must adhere to the beginning and end of day procedures.

At all times it must be adhered to that all external doors, exits and gates are locked and can only be opened from the inside by an adult during session times.

Information security

The manager/deputy manager will ensure that all documentation and personal files are stored in locked cupboards/filing cabinets.

The management team will also maintain a separate lockable storage unit for documentation of meetings and 1-2-1/appraisal reports.

Lost keys

The management team must be made aware if staff lose the keys to the building. This will result in the locks being changed.