Time off in Lieu
It is our policy to ensure that employees are compensated for working additional hours by benefitting from Time Off in Lieu (TOIL). It is anticipated that, for the most part, employees will not be required to work more than their contracted number of hours. However, it is recognised that, from time to time, urgent needs […]
Compassionate Leave
We recognise that you may face difficult personal circumstances from time to time and we are committed to providing you with assistance at these difficult times. In the event of the death of a spouse, partner, parent, child, grandparent, sibling or stepchild/parent, you will be entitled to take a reasonable amount of compassionate leave. Some […]
Time off to care for Dependants
You have the right to reasonable time off work without pay to deal with emergencies relating to people who depend upon you. The dependant may be a child, spouse, parent or anyone else who reasonably relies on you for help in an emergency. A common example of an emergency that would qualify you for this […]
Unpaid Parental Leave
If you have been continuously employed by us for at least one year and have parental responsibility for a child aged under 18, you are entitled to unpaid parental leave of a maximum of 18 weeks for each child. Leave must be taken in blocks of one week unless the child qualifies for Disability Living […]
Shared Parental Leave
Introduction Shared Parental Leave enables eligible parents to choose how to share the care of their child during the first year of birth or adoption. All eligible employees have a statutory right to take Shared Parental Leave. There may also be an entitlement to some Shared Parental Pay. This policy sets out the statutory rights […]
Adoption Leave
Eligibility Adoption leave and pay will be available to eligible employees who adopt. Where a couple is adopting jointly, the couple may choose which partner takes adoption leave. The partner who does not take the adoption leave may be entitled to paternity leave and pay. To be eligible for adoption leave, you must be newly […]
Paternity Leave
You will be eligible for statutory paternity leave and pay if you are the father of a child or the husband or partner of the mother or adopter have worked for us for a minimum of 26 weeks by the end of the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth (EWC) or, in the […]
Pregnancy and Maternity Leave Policy
Health and Safety Where you inform us in writing of your pregnancy, we will, where required by law to do so, carry out a risk assessment of your working environment. If you consider that your working environment could cause a risk to you or your unborn child, you should notify your line manager in writing […]
Time off Work for Appointments and Public Duties
Medical and Dental Appointments We recognise that in certain circumstances it is necessary for employees to be absent from work to attend appointments. Where possible you should arrange any medical or dental appointments (save for antenatal appointments) outside working hours. If this is not possible you must notify your line manager of the appointment as […]
Annual Leave Policy
Our holiday year begins on 1st January each year. You will be notified of fixed closures as far in advance as possible. Your annual holiday entitlement is shown in your Statement of Mains Terms of Employment. During the first year of employment with us your entitlement to annual leave is calculated pro rata from the […]
Sickness / Absence Policy
Notification of absence You must notify your manager by telephone on the first day of absence at the earliest possible opportunity and not after 8.15 am, except where it is not possible for you to do so. Notification should be made personally by you if you are able. If you are unable to telephone your […]