Other policies and procedures

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The Bumbles Team

Adverse Weather

We recognise that you may face difficulties attending work and returning home during periods of adverse weather conditions. You have no automatic right to pay

Alcohol and Drugs

As a business we have a duty to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety and welfare at work of all


Definition Bribery is the giving or accepting of gifts, money, hospitality or other favours in return for providing something of value to or from another

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking

Policy statement Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory

Conduct at Work Related Social Events

This policy should be read alongside our Equal Opportunities policy and Anti-Bullying and Harassment policies. You have a duty to comply with the standards of


All information that: – is or has been acquired by you during, or in the course of your employment, or has otherwise been acquired by

Data Protection for Employees

1. Overview We take the security and privacy of your data seriously. We need to gather and use information or ‘data’ about you as part

Development and Training Policy

All staff working directly with children will have a probationary period during which they will be supervised and supported. Ongoing supervision, training and programme planning

Driving for the Purposes of Work

Company vehicles Driving licences and driving offences In order to be permitted to use a company vehicle of any kind an employee must hold a

Equal Opportunities Policy

We are an equal opportunities employer. This means that we will make good faith efforts to comply with the spirit and letter of the equality

Flexible Working Policy

We recognise the importance for employees in achieving a balance between work and other commitments. We will give serious consideration to flexible working requests from

Landline and Mobile Phone

Landline phones Telephones are essential for the running of our business. Incoming personal telephone calls are allowed only in the case of emergency. Outgoing calls

Shortage of Work / Redundancy

Should circumstances arise where there is a shortage of work for reasons including (but not limited to) adverse weather, damage to business premises, falling turnover

Smoke Free

Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed premises in the workplace. This policy applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, temporary workers, clients and visitors. Appropriate ‘no-smoking’

Social Media

Social media and instant messaging activities can include, but are not limited to: maintaining a profile page on sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn. writing