All staff working directly with children will have a probationary period during which they will be supervised and supported.

Ongoing supervision, training and programme planning sessions, together with monthly performance reviews and annual staff appraisals ensure that:

Bumbles Day Care is a member of the Early Years Organisation (EYO) which provides us with access to relevant literature and training for on-going staff development. In addition, we work closely with other training centres/agencies to ensure appropriate training in e.g. first aid, food hygiene, safe lifting and handling, use of fire equipment etc. There are also in-service training opportunities during the course of the day at Bumbles e.g. Introduction to heuristic play, Treasure Basket etc.

All staff training must be recorded by completing a training form via the Team Zone of our website, to include, course title , date(s), times and an outline of what was covered etc. This includes all dates of attendance when undertaking a recognised qualification eg CCLD, Playwork – all levels, First Aid, Child Protection, etc.

Feedback is obtained from staff on all training undertaken and assessment is carried out by management on the effectiveness of training.

We want to ensure that:

This handbook has been prepared by Mark Mason Employment Law Consultancy for the exclusive use of Bumbles Day Care Limited and is not to be made available for use within any other organisation.