Personal details

We will comply with our obligations under data protection law regarding processing your personal details. It is important that we have up to date contact details for you in case we need to contact you when you are off work. If your home address, home phone number, email address, or mobile phone number changes, please make sure you have all these details updated on your profile within Family.

It is also important that we have details for your next of kin in case we have to contact them in the case of an emergency. Again, if these details change, please ensure to update them on your profile within Famly.

Employee Training

At the commencement of your employment you will receive training to assist you in your job and as your employment progresses there will be further opportunities for training and development. You are encouraged to ask questions if you are unsure about anything and are also encouraged to speak to your line manager about areas for development and ideas for training.

Non-contact time

Non-contact time (NCT) is provided for within the working hours for members of our team who, as part of their role, require time for preparation, planning, recording observations, writing reports and reflections etc. You are encouraged to make the best use of this time. All NCT must be recorded by completing and submitting an NCT record via our Team Zone

Other employment

You must not, without our prior consent (which will not be unreasonably withheld), undertake any other form of paid work while employed by us. If you already have any other employment or are considering any additional employment you should notify your line manager so that we can discuss any implications arising from working time legislation. You must not engage in any self-employed, employed or voluntary work that would be considered to be working in competition with our business without prior written consent.


Staff are expected to maintain a neat and tidy appearance while at work. This means that:

Employees’ property

We do not accept liability for any loss of, or damage to, property which you bring to work. You are requested not to bring personal items of value onto the premises and, in particular, not to leave any items overnight. If you have lost anything at work, please let your line manager know and we will endeavour to assist you in recovering it. Articles of lost property that you come across should be handed to your manager who will retain them whilst attempts are made to discover the owner.

Right of Search

The employer may ask you to submit to a search of your person (outer wear only) and/or property while you are on the Employer’s premises, and of any vehicle used by you in the performance of your duties, if it has reasonable grounds for suspecting that you may have committed a criminal offence or any serious breach of contract or of its rules. All searches will be conducted with your consent and in the presence of at least one witness chosen by you and the Employer. Any refusal to consent may, in appropriate circumstances, be treated as misconduct liable to disciplinary action against you.

The Employer reserves the right to search your work space without prior notice to you where it has reasonable grounds to suspect that you may have committed a criminal offence or a breach of contract or any of its rules.

Other documents and notices

From time to time we may issue employees with other documents, memos, notices or instructions regarding working practices. You are required to familiarise yourself with the contents of any such additional information and instruction issued and act accordingly.

This handbook has been prepared by Mark Mason Employment Law Consultancy for the exclusive use of Bumbles Day Care Limited and is not to be made available for use within any other organisation.