Should circumstances arise where there is a shortage of work for reasons including (but not limited to) adverse weather, damage to business premises, falling turnover etc, it will be our aim to maintain employment.

To attempt to achieve this, we may consider taking any or all of the following steps:-

  1. reducing overtime to a workable minimum;
  2. restricting recruitment; and
  3. introducing a period of short-time working and/or lay off (without pay other than statutory guarantee pay), as a means of avoiding redundancies.

If redundancies cannot be avoided, consideration may be given to applications for voluntary redundancy, depending upon the needs of the business.

If the selection of employees for compulsory redundancy becomes necessary, the criteria for selection will be discussed with employees at risk at the time.

At all times the overriding consideration will be the future viability of the business.

This handbook has been prepared by Mark Mason Employment Law Consultancy for the exclusive use of Bumbles Day Care Limited and is not to be made available for use within any other organisation.