Medical and Dental Appointments
We recognise that in certain circumstances it is necessary for employees to be absent from work to attend appointments.
Where possible you should arrange any medical or dental appointments (save for antenatal appointments) outside working hours. If this is not possible you must notify your line manager of the appointment as far in advance as possible and obtain permission from your manager before taking any time off. Where possible, appointments should be arranged at the beginning or end of your working day to minimise any disruption to our business. If this cannot be arranged, we reserve the right to require you to take a half or full day’s annual leave, or to use any time of in lieu that you have accrued in accordance with our Time Off In Lieu Policy.
Unless otherwise agreed, you will not be paid for any time off to attend medical or dental appointments, with the exception of antenatal appointments for expectant mothers, for which you are entitled to reasonable time off with pay
Jury Service
Employees are entitled to time off work for jury service. You will not normally be paid for this time off and you are advised to claim the expenses to which you are entitled from the Court.
You should notify us immediately on receipt of a jury summons, giving full details.
We may request that you apply to be excused from or defer your jury service where the business needs dictate.
You are expected to report for work if you are not required for jury service for a day or part of a day.
Other public duties
You are entitled to reasonable time off work without pay for the exercise of public duties if you are one of the following:-
- A magistrate / district judge or justice of the peace
- A local councillor
- A school governor
- A member of a public authority, police authority or district policing partnership
- A member of a statutory tribunal
You must notify your line manager as far as possible in advance of your intention to take time off. The amount of time off should be agreed between you and your line manager based on how long the duties might take, the amount of time you have already had off for public duties, and how the time off will affect the business. We may refuse to grant the leave if it amounts to an unreasonable request.
This handbook has been prepared by Mark Mason Employment Law Consultancy for the exclusive use of Bumbles Day Care Limited and is not to be made available for use within any other organisation.