What general hazards can cause harm?
- Heavy Items – staff could hurt their backs when lifting off high shelves or children could pull the box off the shelf onto themselves.
- Improper storage or use of solvents / flammable liquids – Fire causing death or injury, asphyxiation or Explosion. Improper use of chemicals can cause burns and illness. Poisonous chemicals could cause sickness or death. COSHH info readily available in cleaning products storage cupboards.
- Food – Can become a choking hazard, all staff must be aware that choking can be silent. Children could have allergic reactions if they gain access to foods that they should not eat.
- Administering medicine – Accidental overdose can result in illness or even death. Medicine should be kept out of reach of children. Out of date medicine could be administered by accident if staff do not follow protocols. Staff administering medicines without a witness could be a hazard. Children with chicken pox should not be given nurofen due to it being an anti-inflammatory medicine. Children could have an allergy to any medication.
- Critical Daily Information – Children could have an allergic reaction if staff do not follow the correct Critical Daily Information.
- Highchairs / Chairs– children could trap their fingers in the clasp or tray as it is attached. 5 point harness is attached to the base, more movement could result in the child climbing & falling. If a child is choking, they can not be removed as quickly when they are strapped in. Things dropped from highchair could hit another child. When highchairs are stacked up, they could be pulled down onto a child. Stacked chairs could lead to nipped fingers or children climbing and falling / pulling the chairs on top of each other.
- Children sleeping on mats – If the bedding from one bed is touching the other then germs can pass easily between them. Children could roll off the mat and bump into other children. Children could get up from their mat and then be able to walk to and hit or bite another child. Inappropriate storage of mats may result in them falling on the children. Children ‘storing’ food in their mouths as they go to bed could become a choking hazard. Children can become too hot or too cold on their mats at sleep time. Bibs, hoodies, jumpers, necklaces etc around child’s necks could cause strangulation during sleep.
- Appropriate staff supervision on stairs – A child could fall down the stairs causing any degree of injury.
- Fingers caught in doors – when closing or opening doors, children could get their fingers nipped in the frame or at the hinges side.
- Slips and trips – Children / adults may fall or trip over toys or bags & coats.
- Charging / Equipment wires – Children may have access to electrical wires if they are not stored safely. This could cause electric shock / electrical fires.
- Use of nappy unit – Children could roll off the nappy changing unit and get injured. Staff could hurt their backs when lifting on and off the unit.
- Use of art materials – Art materials – could be dangerous if not used with age appropriate supervision. Paints if swallowed could make the children ill, and other art materials could become a choking hazard.
- Knife for cutting snack – A child getting access to the knife could result in injury.
- Sensory items – oats, lentils, rice etc can become a choking hazard.
- Window Blinds – Strangulation on the adjustment strings.
- Unattended child – Injury from a fall. The child could be taken from the garden / outdoor area – or an older child could leave via the gate if left unattended. The child could become ill from lack of shelter – too cold or too hot.
- Small parts / Loose parts – Children playing with objects or parts that started bigger, could end up becoming a hazard – if they break up or melt etc. A Child could put small objects into their mouth or nose or Ears. A Child could throw heavier loose parts and hurt another child. If the loose parts break up, they could become sharp and a hazard.
- Construction area – (bricks, stones, real tools) – can cause injury if used incorrectly or not supervised in use.
- Staff member becoming unwell while working with children – Ratio could be compromised while staff member steps out of the room. Cross contamination causing other staff members and children to also become sick. Children could become scared or upset seeing a staff member ill. Staff member may require First Aid due to loss of consciousness, seizure or injury. In case of injury due to COVID-19 – see COVID-19 procedures on the website.
- Fire doors – To be maintained in case they need used.
- Placement of the team – If staff are not spaced out appropriately, accidents are more likely to happen – (Bumbilos Room / Bumbleers room where they can go around the corner). In the garden, staff should be spaced appropriately.
- Use of bathrooms – Slips, trips & falls .
- Fire evacuation – children could be left behind. Children or staff could fall on the stairs.
- GDPR – If confidential issue is shared incorrectly or left out overnight in any setting, then this could create a breach and could result in liability action.
Specific to this room
- Hot milk or formula – A burn or scald may occur if the bottle gets spilled. The bottle could be given to the child whilst it is too hot by accident. Formula should be prepared in the kitchen away from the children. Lid is securely fastened before shaking it up.
Normal control measures
- Heavy Items – Staff supervision of children to ensure children use toys and equipment appropriately and safely – staff to make sure that large heavy boxes are stored on the floor and bottom shelves at all times. See Manual Handling induction. Staff should also ensure not to overload the shelves so that they do not break and cause injury.
- Improper storage or use of solvents & flammable liquids – Bumbles 1 Solvents and other highly flammable materials are stored throughout the building out of reach of children – see room inductions for locations. Ensure COSHH kept up to date, this should be considered if we change suppliers. Ensure users and staff who may come into contact with these chemicals are aware of the hazards and precautions that must be taken when using chemicals products through an appropriate induction. Management and Co-ordinators are responsible for ensuring that chemical products are labelled and stored in accordance with safety data sheets requirements. Combustible materials must be stored in appropriate conditions as per manufacturer’s storage guidelines. Waste materials disposed of appropriately.
- Food – Keep a very close eye on children when eating – especially in the younger age groups. Make sure food is cut to the appropriate size for the children in your group. Keep a close eye on children at food serving times – ensure that placemats are in use and the whole team are aware of allergens – C.D.I. must be completed every morning / afternoon.
- Administering medicine – Staff training must be carried out with all staff at induction. Parents asked to advise if children have had medicine before coming into Bumbles. Staff must also phone parent or message via famly before administering medicine if we are unsure or if a temperature suddenly spikes during the day. Office must be made aware of any medicines in the mornings. Office must be phoned before administering medicine to keep track of dosage and times given. Once medicine has been administered, the dosage, expiry date, who administered it and who witnessed it should be shared via message to the child’s parent. Medicines cannot be accessed by children and they are only administered by adults. In nursery, medicines are stored in kitchen cupboard out of their reach. In wraparound settings, medicines are stored in a locked cupboard / out of reach. Dates on medicine bottles are checked routinely. Dates on medicines must also be checked before administering to children. Staff must always have a witness when administering medicines. The witness must observe the date on the bottle, the time it was administered and the dosage. Children with chicken pox should NOT be given nurofen. This type of medicine is an anti-inflammatory, it reacts with chicken pox making them go deeper into the skin tissue could also make the child very ill. If a child is allergic to a medicine and parents have made us aware of this, then this information will be on an Individual care plan for all staff to sign. If we discover that a child is allergic to a medicine after administering it, then immediately phone the office and a first aider, and appropriate action will be taken. Normally, children will have had the medicine at home in the past before we administer it.
- Critical Daily Information – Staff must refer to group ICPs and placemats especially in terms of allergens and food requirements to ensure that children receive their own plate of food, (where applicable). Children who require one, need a placemat – details should be kept up to date. As things change, alert the office for a new placemat, ask parents to follow up any changes with an email. If a child is eating something different from the rest of the group, this should be recorded on CDI too. For example, a child who brings their own lunch – items should be checked to ensure that they do not contain nuts etc.
- Highchairs / Chairs – Ensure that children’s fingers are clear of the areas that could cause harm. Ensure children are secured to highchair and the straps are tightened enough. They should only be used up to point that the child can sit independently on small chair. High chairs are released at single clasp point allowing single handed, quick exit for first aid when choking. If other children are crawling ensure supervision and do not use heavier objects in high chair. Do not stack highchairs up too high – be aware of children over near them. Chairs should not be stacked more than two high.
- Children sleeping on mats – Sleep mats should have adequate space between them and appropriate staff supervision. All bedding is currently being washed daily (Feb 2021). Children must be observed closely at sleep time – quick reactions are needed from all staff & students if for example, one child rolls into another. Staff must be with children as they wake up, ensuring supervision. Assist children to safely access toys or move about in the room. Sleep mats must be cleaned after every use and stored appropriately. Check mouths to ensure that no food is still in their mouths before they go to bed. Children asleep in cots or beds must be checked on every 10 minutes. There is a thermometer on the wall to check that the room is not too warm or too hot. Common sense approach though, if it is a warm day remove jumpers etc. Remove loose items such as bibs, hoodies etc. to ensure their safety during sleep time.
- Appropriate staff supervision on stairs – Staff training to be carried out by room staff to ensure that appropriate use of the stairs in Bumbles (Differing slightly for different age groups.) Staff should have “free hands” on the stairs, put down any items and return for them afterwards. – *SEE RISK BENEFIT 1* Children should be encouraged to hold the banister and stay on one side so that adults can get down past them easily if someone falls. When moving through the nursery, staff must wait with children until there is more than one adult present, rather than moving on – head count before moving. This is especially relevant on the landing & moving up or down stairs. Where there are two staff or more, one member should be at the front and one at the back.
- Fingers caught in doors – Staff should make sure that children are observed when opening and closing the door. Also ensure that parents are aware that the fire doors close slowly, make sure to watch the door until it is closed. If you need to leave a room quickly, ask for another adult to watch the door until closed.
- Slips and trips – Staff must ensure that there are not a huge amount of toys strewn on the floor, try to keep playtime “under control” – discourage children from pulling everything off the shelf at once – less to trip over. If there is a spillage, make the team / children aware and clean it up right away. Bags and coats should be placed on pegs and not on the floor in all settings.
- Charging / Equipment wires – Ensure that wires are tucked away out of children’s reach, even when in use. Items should not be left charging over the weekend. Overnight charging of electrical items is OK.
- Use of nappy unit – Staff should ensure that they have everything that they need before helping the child onto the nappy unit. Ensure to make use of steps provided where appropriate.
- Use of art materials – In Under 2s, art materials should be kept out of reach, and used under direct adult supervision. Ensure that appropriate materials used, e.g. larger googly eyes. Age appropriate supervision of the use of scissors *SEE RISK BENEFIT 2*
- Knife for cutting snack – Knife is stored on a high shelf out of reach immediately when the snack tray comes into the room, the knife must be placed out of reach again immediately after being used.
- Sensory items – age appropriate supervision and storage of these items throughout Bumbles. *SEE RISK BENEFIT 3*
- Window Blinds – All blinds in the settings have the safety fastenings i.e. no trailing cords; also these safety fastenings are placed at a height where the children cannot reach them. Any instances of the safety catches needing repaired are placed at a priority via a facilities record and interim steps taken to secure the cord out of the children’s reach.
- Unattended child –Head counts must be carried out consistently but especially before and after any movement within the setting or when moving indoors and outdoors. E.g in the garden, once inside, at the top of the stairs etc. (Dependent on setting / usual room). All staff MUST be aware of how many children are in the room at all times. No staff should leave an area with children before head counts have been carried out – e.g. wait on landing for the rest of the group before moving on. Wraparound settings in particular should be aware of doorways and exits as the children move between groups / rooms / school runs etc – head counts! In Rosetta be aware of the exit doors being unlocked at school pick up times.
- Small parts / Loose parts – The size of the parts or toys should be considered in the planning stage. “In the moment” re-assessment should also be considered, e.g if the parts have broken down or got smaller, then the adult may wish to remove the object from play. Appropriate supervision of children throughout play with the small parts is essential as children can move quickly when investigating equipment & toys. Small object play may require an adult to sit with the children throughout the activity in the younger age groups. Adult supervision and explanation throughout the activity as to why we don’t throw objects that could hurt should be used. Adult supervision and re-assessment as the activity progresses. *see Risk benefit 2*
- Construction area – age appropriate adult supervision throughout.
- Staff member becoming unwell while working with children -Where appropriate support staff or Management join group to ensure staff : children ratios are maintained. If a staff member becomes ill they are to inform other team members who can then use phone to arrange cover. Procedures for hand washing, clearing bodily fluids and infection control are to be followed. Where necessary a decision is to be made whether it is best to remove children or staff member from room and children are reassured by staff they are familiar and comfortable with. Bumbles has many First Aid trained staff. Management must always be informed at the earliest opportunity of illness and will make decisions regarding First Aid administration and if there is a need to call for an ambulance.
- Fire doors – To be checked daily that they can be opened / accessed safely and that the key is stored appropriately. (Bumbilos Room, Office, Front Door, Back Door)
- Placement of the team – Staff should be stationed in each area of the room at all times.
- Use of bathrooms – Age appropriate supervision. Children are encouraged to go to the bathroom on their own – but a watchful eye is kept on them returning or if they have been away for too long etc.
- Fire evacuation – Stay calm, speak to the children about the noise of the alarm and that we are going outside. Decide on exit route, communicate with your team and the children – there are at least 2 per room / setting – see specific room evacuation procedures.
- GDPR – Please ensure that all clipboards, diaries, ipads, phones etc are locked away at the end of the night / afternoon.
Specific to this room
- Bottle is placed in cold water until it cools down – the children have no access to the bottle until staff have checked it is cool enough. Staff check the temperature of the milk before giving it to the child by putting a few drops on their wrist.
Risk Benefit Assessment
- Stairs – Once a child is old enough, staff should allow them to manoeuvre the stairs as unassisted as is appropriate for that age. If children are simply carried up and down the stairs, they will not learn how to walk up and down them as quickly as if they are given the opportunity.
- Use of small parts / Art materials – Younger children CAN make use of the smaller art materials with careful supervision – good for fine motor skill development.
- SENSORY ITEMS – All groups should have access to these routinely to ensure fine motor skill development as well as early mathematical skill development and sensory development. Age appropriate care should be taken.
Specific to this room
- STAIRS – Once a child is old enough, staff should allow them to manoeuvre the stairs as unassisted as is appropriate for that age. If children are simply carried up and down the stairs, they will not learn how to walk up and down them as quickly as if they are given the opportunity.
- USE OF SMALL PARTS / ART MATERIALS – Younger children CAN make use of the smaller art materials with careful supervision – good for fine motor skill development.
- SENSORY ITEMS – All groups should have access to these routinely to ensure fine motor skill development as well as early mathematical skill development and sensory development. Age appropriate care should be taken.
Kerrie Burke