Sleep and rest

Principle and statement of intent

This policy has been formed following the guidelines and principles in the:

  • The Children (NI) Order 1995 – This specifies that the welfare of the child is paramount. The role and the responsibility of parents to care for their children is emphasized.
  • Department of Health & Social Services NI – Child minding & Day Care for children under age 12 Minimum Standards published July 2012.

At Bumbles Day Care we recognise that sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and helps each child achieve their full potential as it directly impacts on their mental and physical development. We aim to ensure all babies and children have enough sleep for them to develop and to promote best practice for all children in a safe environment, working in partnership with the parents/carers.


Our experience has taught us that most children require some period of rest or quiet during the day, but the ways in which we meet the children’s needs must be flexible in order to provide for the wide variations children show in the amount and manner of the rest they require.

Younger babies

A separate sleep room is provided which allows their sleep needs to be met on an individual basis.

  • Each baby has his/her own cot (Safety approved and compliant with British Standard Regulations)
  • We provide each child with bedding that is washed weekly or more often, as required. If children sleep with a sleep sack / bag then these need to be provided by parents to be kept and washed in Bumbles. Once children move to a sleep mat, the sleep sack / bag will be returned home and all children use a blanket.
  • Babies will be placed on their back with feet closest to the bottom of the cot as per FSID (Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths) recommendations. Some babies prefer to sleep on their sides or tummies. Once they are able to roll themselves into and out of this position, they will be left to sleep in their preferred position.
  • Room temperatures are recorded daily and monitored throughout the day to ensure that the optimum temperature remains between 16-20C
  • Light bedding (blankets) will be used, and babies will be appropriately dressed to avoid overheating.
  • Any bibs will be removed.
  • Toys and stuffed animals will not be placed in the child’s cot unsupervised. If a child uses a sleep aid, they will be placed to sleep with it. Once asleep and before a staff member leaves, this will be removed in line with “a clear cot is a safer cot” guidance from the Lullaby Trust.
  • Should a baby fall asleep while being nursed by a member of staff they will be transferred to a safe sleeping surface to complete their rest.
  • Babies and their sleep environment will be checked every 10 minutes whilst sleeping

Older babies / toddlers

Children are provided with sleep mats that are put out in their playroom while they are having their lunch and a naptime is scheduled for them after this.

Once again we provide sheets and blankets and these are washed weekly or more often, as required.

For any child who does not require sleep at this time, quiet activities can be provided for them instead. There are cushions permanently available in their rooms, ensuring there is always an area where a child can lie down and relax on at any point in the day when they feel the need to do so.

Children of this age will usually sleep for approximately 11/2 -2 hours but parents should feel free to discuss their wishes regarding their child’s rest arrangements on an individual basis with staff.

Where a child needs an adjusted sleep routine, staff will work with parents to offer the best and most appropriate sleep arrangements bearing in mind the pace of the day and that other factors may require changes on occasions. For example, a child might need additional sleep following a busy weekend.

Older children

For those children who still need a daytime nap, sleep mats will be provided and are put out in the room at lunchtime so that the children can go there to sleep afterwards. Once again, bedding is provided by the nursery and is washed weekly.

For those children who do not require a nap, however, play activities continue after lunch. We tend to provide quieter activities at this time of the day however, so that the children (and staff!) have a chance to unwind and recharge their batteries in preparation for the afternoon.

For all children of all ages, we can offer any comfort object they like to have from home during rest to be placed in their bag / basket. Parents/carers should also feel free to discuss with staff their preferences regarding the provision we make for their child to sleep or rest while at Bumbles Day Care, so that staff can take each parent’s wishes into account.

All children’s sleep times are recorded on our app.

Parents would also be informed if the staff noticed any variation in a child’s rest or sleep pattern.