Landline phones
Telephones are essential for the running of our business. Incoming personal telephone calls are allowed only in the case of emergency. Outgoing calls can only be made with the prior permission of your manager
Use of company mobile phones
If we provide you with a mobile phone for business purposes, we will pay the rental and standard costs in respect of business calls. You must ensure that the mobile phone and accessories are kept in good condition at all times and that your mobile phone is charged and available for use during working hours.
The content of text messages and voicemail must comply with the standards required of any other form of written or verbal communication.
The sending of any material which is, in our opinion, inappropriate, i.e. defamatory, offensive or obscene, untrue or malicious, may constitute gross misconduct and result in summary dismissal. If you receive inappropriate material to your company mobile, you must notify your line manager immediately.
We reserve the right to monitor the use of our mobile (and office) phones. Company mobile telephones may not be used for personal calls unless permission has been granted.
We reserve the right to deduct from your pay the cost of any personal calls made, or alternative arrangements may be agreed to repay these costs.
The company mobile phone in your possession is your responsibility. You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that your mobile phone is not stolen, lost or damaged. You should not leave your mobile phone in a visible place such as in an unattended vehicle. Where possible, you must set up a personal identification number (PIN) to prevent any unauthorised person from accessing or using your phone.
In the event that your company mobile phone is stolen, lost or damaged you must advise your line manager immediately.
If loss or damage is caused to your company mobile phone as a result of your negligence, disciplinary action may be taken against you.
Returning the equipment
If you are asked to return your mobile phone to us, you must return the phone and accessories immediately. On termination of your employment, the mobile phone must be returned to us no later than the final day of your employment. We retain the right to deduct the cost of any mobile phone and/or accessory that is not returned, or is returned in a damaged condition due to your negligence, from your final pay.
Personal mobile phone
Your personal mobile phone must be switched off and placed in your staffroom locker during scheduled work time. It should only be accessed during authorised rest breaks.
If you are expecting an emergency or important call, then your personal mobile phone may be switched on but must not be kept on your person. Permission may be sought from the Manager/Deputy Manager who will agree and determine a suitable area or place where the phone is accessible should the need arise.
This handbook has been prepared by Mark Mason Employment Law Consultancy for the exclusive use of Bumbles Day Care Limited and is not to be made available for use within any other organisation.