Ormeau Climbing Trees

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Before going on an outing to the climbing trees all relevant staff should this risk assessment which should be completed and submitted.

  • Missing child – Child wandering off unaccompanied
  • Medical emergency – allergic reaction/sickness
  • Children could fall and injure themselves
  • Children could get hurt by the tree – branch in the eye, branch
    break causing a fall.
  • Children could go too high and get stuck.
  • An adult could injure themselves helping the children if they are
  • Nettles or other plants could sting/cause a reaction if children come into contact.
  • Hazardous rubbish – eg glass, needles, dog waste.
  • Weather – Appropriate clothing, wet equipment
  • “Safer Strangers”
  • Children with additional needs – flight risk
  1. Head counts completed verbally by staff before, during and before leaving to ensure all children are accounted for. Bumbles 4G mobile phone should be taken and management informed.
    Children must all wear Bumbles Hi-Vis Vests.
    All staff to read Missing Child Policy before trip – If a child goes missing, ensure that the rest of the children are safe, all staff are aware of the situation, look for the child whilst alerting security – alert senior management who will contact parents.
    Ratio to be risk assessed based on group and agreed to by Senior Management beforehand.
  2. First aid kit should be carried at all times, Epi-pens/inhalers to be brought. At least one first aider must go on the trip. Staff will have Bumbles mobile phone to call an ambulance/management if needed. Staff ensure that children do not eat any food which is not provided by Bumbles.
  3. Boundaries to be set by staff – children aware of what is expected of them, where they are allowed to go. Staff must be vigilant and not let children engage in “dangerous” play. Staff to spread around the area based on where children are playing, remain aware of where children are moving to and follow accordingly.
  4. Staff should ensure children are not climbing to unsafe heights from where a fall could cause serious injury. Correct manual handling technique used by staff helping children.
  5. Children and staff must wear appropriate clothing depending on the weather – raincoats, sun hats, wellies. Sun Cream should be applied 30 mins before leaving.
  6. Staff to thoroughly check areas before children play and remove any rubbish/hazardous waste e.g dog waste/needles. Children are reminded not to pick up rubbish.
  7. Discuss Safer Strangers with children before leaving. Staff to be vigilant during outings to ensure that all children are safe and are not talking to adults that they shouldn’t be. Children should not be able to accept food from other adults or children who may be in the vicinity.
  8. Staff should know the children well and risk assess required ratios if there is a child with additional needs and/or poses a flight risk. 1 to 1 supervision would be the safest option and the designated staff member should shadow the child at all times. Staff members should be spaced out around the group, explain the boundaries – where they are expected to stay.


  1. Children are experiencing risk that will benefit them – confidence in climbing, use of locomotor function
  2. Children are experiencing types of play that they won’t experience daily – Deep play; locomotor play
  3. Children will work together to help each other – creating opportunities for friendships and support
  4. Children experiencing nature
  5. Children working things out for themselves, experiencing what their own bodies can do in climbing the tree
  6. Children experiencing a win – I climbed a tree! Boosting self confidence!