Pirate Golf

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Bumbles team take a number of children to Pirate Golf @ Dundonald

  1. Journey to and from risk of car accident
  2. Potential risk of car breaking  down
  3. Moving about car parks / entering and exiting the car
  4. A child could wander off
  5. Slips trips and falls / children falling from or misuse of  play equipment eg golf balls hit too hard / clubs being used inappropriately
  6. Allergic reactions / Hayfever
  7. A child becoming unwell / Choking incident
  8. Sharp objects  / rubbish on pathways / things on the ground including animal faeces
  9. Water risks
  10. Strangers in and around the area
  1. Driving safely with all children in appropriate car seats – suitable for age.  Children made aware of how to behave whilst travelling
  2. Vehicle, fuel level and tyres are checked before journey and information leaflet on what to do in the event of a breakdow ie RAC contact number is located
  3. Children are instructed in the appropriate way to enter / exit the vehicle
  4. Children are made aware of boundaries when on an outing ie now wandering off and staff agree which children are their key children whilst on the outing
  5. Children are instructed in the appropriate use of equipment and staff supervise children throughout the outing and are aware of other people using the facility
  6. Staff team have checked who requires epi-pen or antihistimines and ICP’s are read before outing to reinforce any known allergies and what to do.  Staff know to check with any vendor regarding allergens before purchasing treats on an outing eg ice-cream or cakes etc
  7. At least 1 member of the team going on the outing will have an up-to-date First Aid qualification
  8. Children are reminded to never pick up items on the ground and anything identified as hazardous will be reported to the venue, as appropriate
  9. Children will be reminded of water safety and supervision will be provided througout the outing
  10. Children will be reminded not to talk to strangers and staff will be vigilant and observant througout the outing
  1. Children experience fun on an outing with their friends enhancing their social development
  2. Learning a new skill
  3. Good hand / eye co-ordination is promoted
  4. Physical exercise is promoted
  5. Team work is encouraged