What a wonderful Easter celebration in our 30th year! Last week, we were delighted to welcome Kinedale Donkeys to Bumbles to celebrate Easter with our children before our short break, and we even had a surprise visit from the Easter bunny!
Kinedale Donkeys
On Thursday morning, Robert from Kindale Donkeys arrived with his adorable friends in tow. Hobnob, Tinkerbell and Peanut (Kinedale’s very own Donkeys) relaxed in the sunshine whilst our children enjoyed cuddles, gently stroking and brushing their fur coats. Did you know donkeys are highly sociable animals? Some of our older children happily gave the donkeys a tour of Bumbles by the Park whilst on a little walk.
Also joining in the fun was Archie, Molly, Argyle and Iona, four Kinedale goats and a chirpy bunch of baby chicks. Like our children, goats love exploring so we hope the animals also enjoyed meeting Bumbles little adventurers. Kinedale Donkeys returned on Friday to Bumbles on the Hill. Once again, the sun was shining and our children enjoyed a great day outdoors meeting their new friends. Thank you to Robert for organising a very enjoyable and well-managed 2 day visit to Bumbles. Our children thoroughly enjoyed it, as did our team.
Easter Bunny hops by to say Hoppy Easter!
On Friday, we enjoyed a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny who was hopping mad to see our boys and girls! With some special treats, the Easter Bunny hopped around all of our settings to say hello to the children before the Easter weekend. We hope everyone enjoyed the busy few days, had lots of fun and happy memories were made.
Special mention and thanks to our Childcare Practitioners Gemma and Sophie, and Director Patsy who all took a very lead role in seeing the Easter Bunny came to life around each of the Bumbles settings! 😉
Bumbles is closed for Easter on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th April. We hope everyone enjoys the Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday 12th April.