Defibrillator Installation at Bumbles

Last week we successfully installed and registered a brand new Defibrillator at Bumbles Nursery on 22 Knockbreda Road. Through the support and donations towards the Pumpkin Patch fundraiser back in October, we have been able to purchase a HeartSine Samaritan PAD 500P and Rotaid External Cabinet.

Bumbles car park gate is not locked at night meaning the defib is accessible to all of the Rosetta community 24/7 in the event of an emergency. 

At Bumbles, we host Paediatric First Aid training from Kingsbridge Training Academy regularly to help as many of our team feel confident in providing emergency assistance should they ever need to. This involves learning how to use a defibrillator on both an adult and child.

A big thanks again to all of Bumbles parents, our team and friends of Bumbles who helped make this happen. And special thanks to Bumbles parent Casey who works at HeartSine and helped us with the purchase of the defibrillator. These defibs are made locally here in Northern Ireland.

We are continuing our work with the Church on Park Road (beside Bumbles by the Park and Bumbles in the Park) to help register the 2 defibrillators they have on site. Our hope is to make as many defibrillators available to our community as possible. We also hope to purchase another in the near future to allow for a second defib on Church Road near Bumbles on the Hill. 

Our defibrillator is registered on The Circuit and they have a great website where you can check where your nearest defib is to your home or business. Click here to find your nearest defibrillator.